Banana Jumper 1.0
One of the most addictive Free GameDownloadsfor Android is here… Banana Jumper.It’s a dangerous job, but someone’s got to do it - but isthatbanana-grabbing spike avoiding gorilla jumping person reallyyou?Have you got what it takes to steer Benjee the Banana Jumper onamad run for bananas in this platform jumping special? Can youavoidthe spikes and get Benjee safely to the next level?Then take care my friend and beware of the Spikes!Banana’s are a must have for Benjee, but don’t let him makeyougo Ape...Do you know any other famous Gorillas? Maybe King Kong orDonkeyKong come to your mind? If you don’t mind, help to makeBenjeefamous by pressing the +1 Button and telling your friendsaboutthis game…Thanks Benji, Dave, Steve, Tom, Amelie, Mercedes and toanyoneelse who shares this game…It would be mighty Donkikon of youto dothe same for Benjee, and spread the word about our AndroidphoneJumping Friend.YOUR MISSION should you choose to accept it, is to get Benjeehisfood without getting him spiked in this free Android Platformgame.It’s easy to pick up and play, no instructions required,pressstart, get ready, touch the screen and go on a deep trip ofplatformjumping fun!But Benjee aint no jungle banana gorilla, the Sky’s the limitforour platform jumping buddy. You’re a long way from theMonkeyjungleas you steer him over the spikes and gaps in the skyand keep hisfeet on the green as you dash through the game.You'll need a steady hand and a concentrated mind as youmovethrough the levels and things start to get tough.Beware of the speed arrows, as you cross through these and goona powerdash through the game, the giant boulders, cactus andspikeswill come at break neck speed, and your concentration willneed tobe focused if you are going to make it through.You don’t believe in animal cruelty do you? Help BananaJumperremain a cruelty free app, by stopping young Benjee fromlanding onthe spikes!BE WARNED that if you’re a normal person be careful as Benjeecanmake you go Ape.Say this statement out loud: “I can see through the eyes ofaGorilla the banana that lies ahead… Ooh Ooh”See.Here’s a question…You ever heard of William Shakespeare?“To be or not to be”… Shakespeare said that first.“To be Spiked or not Spiked”…. That’s Benjee’s questiontoyou...What?Never mind....I’ve gone Banana’s, I’ve been playing Banana Jumper fortoolong...It’s ok, I’m back to normal now...“Ooh Ooh”... Where did those hairs on my chest and armscomefrom???“Ooh Ooh”... Why are my feet so big and my nails so long???What, what, “Ooh, Ooh” What is happening to me....Don’t install… I think I’ve gone Ape...---------Think you've got what it takes to be Benjee theBananaJumper?For some Fun, light Entertainment and Quick Action,InstallBanana Jumper on Your Phone Today.